
We deliver technology and help you at every stage of the process

PKB is an understanding business partner you can trust.
We are always finding the best way and creating solutions together.

We support you at every stage of the process to improve the performance of your production lines and make them more efficient. You can always count on our expert customer service and support, especially our comprehensive after-sales service.

Customer travel assistance

The best way to begin a business partnership is to meet each other in person. You’re always welcome to visit our headquarters.

We’ll help you arrange such a meeting and make the whole trip as comfortable as it may be. Our sales assistants are available to help you find suitable accommodation or transport for your needs and make bookings for you to save you time and trouble.


Installation and commissioning

Our filling lines are installed and commissioned by our experienced, bilingual teams of Field Service Engineers (FSEs).

Their expertise will not only enable your team to take charge of the filling line rapidly but also our FSEs will be available to meet any of your requests during the handover period, which can also be an opportunity for both maintenance and operator training.

We understand that training and support are crucial for success, that’s why commissioning dates are defined with you to ensure that handover to your staff runs smoothly and that your operators and engineers receive appropriate training.

We are dedicated to your success and we are here 
to work with you every step of the way.

Need dedicated training for your staff?

Are you looking to improve the efficiency and productivity of your team? We understand that staff changes can be challenging, but we’re here to help.

Our upgrade course is designed to develop the internal competences of your team, so they can take control of format changeovers, preventive and curative maintenance, and optimize line settings (mechanical or automation) to meet your specific needs.

We’re committed to working with you to understand your unique training needs, whether it’s for engineers or operators. Together, we’ll define the specifications and tailor the course to ensure it meets the specific goals of your team and business.

Our goal is to empower your team with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles and drive your business forward.

Let’s work together to achieve success.

PKB Customer service

On-site audit

Our on-demand, on-site audit service is designed to help you achieve optimal productivity from your machines. An experienced Field Service Engineer will conduct a thorough analysis of your machines’ performance and provide you with actionable recommendations for improvement.

We understand that your machines are the backbone of your business, and we’re here to help you keep them running at their best.

Adaptation to new formats

We understand that your business needs are constantly evolving, which is why our machines are designed to be flexible and adapt to new formats.

We’re dedicated to meeting your needs and providing you with the necessary design and supply of new format parts. Whether you’re looking to expand your product line or change your package format, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Maintenance contract

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your production machinery running at full capacity. We offer maintenance contracts that are specific to your machines, including spare parts and labor.

Our engineers will visit your site for preventive maintenance operations and will make sure that your machines are running at their best. We understand that your machines are critical to your business, and we’re here to help you keep them running smoothly.

Machine refurbishing and upgrading

We’re constantly working to improve our machines and integrate new technologies to increase efficiency. We’ll keep you informed of all the possible improvements and upgrades that can be made to your existing machines.

Our teams are dedicated to help you to stay competitive and to increase your productivity and efficiency.

After-sales service and support


Remote assistance

Most machine downtime is due to minor issues that can be solved quickly either by phone or by email. Our hot-line is here to help you, we can effectively sort out issues that are easy to solve and provide prompt assistance for more serious incidents that require more in-depth study.

We understand that downtime can be costly and disruptive to your business, which is why we’re dedicated to getting your machines up and running as soon as possible.


Remote maintenance

Our machines are pre-configured for diagnostics and remote maintenance via the internet, meaning we can assist you very rapidly without needing to travel, particularly by analyzing and preparing appropriately for a possible intervention on site. This saves you time and money, and provides higher quality support.


Intervention on demand

Whether or not the machine is still under warranty, we undertake to work anywhere in the world at the shortest possible notice and whenever required. Our experienced bilingual engineers are dedicated to providing you with prompt and effective service, no matter where you are in the world.


Spare parts availability

All our CE origin parts are in stock or rapidly available at the best price. We’re aware of that having the right parts at the right time is essential to keeping your machines running at their best.

Get in touch with us

Have you got any questions
considering our products?

Would you like to learn more about
our technology?

We value relationships built on mutual understanding and engagement. Our advisors will answer any of your questions.

Feel free to

Contact us